March 2013
Marketing To Today's 'Smart' Customer
The internet and the technology revolution have changed the profile of the modern day customer. They have the internet in their pockets on their smart phones and they don’t rely on television, radio and print media to get their information anymore. READ MORE...
Do You Have An Inactive Bank Account?
From May 31, 2013 the Federal Government will be able to transfer the balance from bank accounts that have not been used for three years into their own coffers. READ MORE...
Paying Your Tax By Credit Card
Business owners can now pay their tax by credit card and potentially gain reward points in the process. The ATO will accept tax payments of between $10 and $50,000. READ MORE...
Building Industry Taxable Payments
As part of the 2011/12 Federal Budget, the Government announced the introduction of taxable payments reporting for businesses in the building and construction industry. READ MORE...
When Is A Good Time To Start My Business?
You may have been dreaming of starting your own business for years but there are so many road blocks including financial concerns, family issues or possibly your own self belief. There are also external factors like the economy and the lack of credit available for business start ups in the wake of the global financial crisis. However, there are a number of reasons why it could be the right time to start your own business. READ MORE...
Inspector Gadget - The iPhone 5
Mobile gadgets continue to boom and currently just over half of Australia's population have a smart phone and that will increase as people upgrade their existing mobile phones. READ MORE...
Thrive Or Just Survive?
McCrindle Research has done a study that examined the Australian Bureau of Statistics data on business start ups and failures. The purpose of the study was to identify which types of businesses have the best survival rates, where they are located and what industries they are in. The results are certainly not what we expected. READ MORE...
Thinking Of Buying A Business Asset?
Clients often ask us about the best way to acquire different types of assets in their business. In this article we’re talking about plant & equipment and depreciating assets like machinery and computers. On 1 July, 2012 some new rules were introduced that offer small business owners significant tax advantages. READ MORE...